Ferrari 246 E Series Engine Build


Ferrari V6 Dino engines of all generations - 206, 246 L, M & E series.

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A firm favourite here, Honda K20A and F20C engines offer great tuning potential.

Lamborghini Gallardo V10 Engine Build


The Lamborghini (Audi) V10 is a complicated animal to get right, but we can provide a sensible range of upgrades for the heart of the 5.0 & 5.2 litre V10.


Timeless Classics…

The Rover V8 needs little or no introduction. From a 3.5 litre P6 with SU carbs to 5.2 litre+ with modern control electronics for fast road and circuit, we can help.



This beautiful Land Rover Series 1 engine is full of intricate engineering, typical of the period. We’re equipped and happy to deal with engines from the Veteran and Vintage eras.